Spotify: August Monthly Commentary

In this podcast episode, Richard Wertheimer and Clint Dodson discuss various topics, including market performance, investment strategy, and personal updates.

They mention that September tends to be a weaker month for markets historically and discuss their approach to managing portfolios during this period. They highlight the importance of being cautious and prepared for potential market fluctuations.

Additionally, they touch on topics like inflation, geopolitical considerations, and the significance of tactical pauses in decision-making. The hosts also share personal updates, such as travel plans and hobbies like reading and exploring new interests. They conclude by discussing the recent tragedy in Maui and emphasize the importance of helping those affected.

Please consider donating to the Red Cross earmarked for Maui. [Link here]. They’re committed to spending it all and setting up long-term operations for ongoing recovery. Additionally, Maui Humane Society is helping animals, providing medical assistance and shelter. [Link to donate here]